1998 Scholar

The Sweet Spot – Aligning Ambition & Impact

Julie leads programs that help create economic opportunity, advance long-term environmental sustainability, strengthen local communities and accelerate racial equity. In FY2023, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation awarded more than $1.7 billion in cash and in-kind donations, globally.

Walmart and the Walmart Foundation take a shared value approach to its strategy to create significant and lasting improvements in the global and local systems that are relevant for their business. This includes a whole-system, multi-stakeholder effort to address economic opportunity, environmental and social sustainability of supply chains, community resilience, and the drivers of systemic racism in society.

Julie joined Walmart in 2008, and prior to that she worked in the nonprofit community on issues of anti-racism, homelessness and community revitalization. Internationally, she has done program evaluation in Kenya and Tanzania and taught English in Eastern Europe.

Julie has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion from Rhodes College and a Master of Arts in Public Service from The Clinton School of Public Service. She was a Jane Addams-Andrew Carnegie Fellow at Indiana University’s School of Philanthropy.